Monday, August 31, 2009


Well, today was kinda fun. Even though, there were no party, the class still had fun.
Mr Phillip let us watch some movies, but the 3Bs were nt interested,
so he suggested we watch youtube channel.
The guys open some funny commercials, then Rudy open a video abt a guy performing MJ's moonwalk. Very nice!

Then, it was time for us to move out to the hall. Settled down, watch concert, go home.
Took a nap, use com, pack my study table. Haix,it sound boring isnt it?
Cynthia suggested me and clara go out tgt to orchard,to shop for albums during sept holidays....
Maybe i shld stand by some DVDs, and watch it after EOY?

IDK, just feels very bored at home, nth to do.
Just received sms from the dang-ers, IDOL gt new show coming up next year!
WOOHOO! cant wait! Haha, her new character's name is called LIN XIAO DONG!
So funny! Hope to see IDOL soon!

-Sidetrack a bit arh...-
Ppl change very fast, tis minute they be nice to you, the next minute they might ignored you
for some stupid childish reasons.
Haix, these ppl really need to go africa or some 3rd
world country, then they will know, not to take things for granted.

God gives us friends for a reason, but definitely nt a 出气筒.
I am nt pointing fingers at anyone, i am very contented with wat i have now. i am nt gonna change anything, for any reason or for any person.

WEll, gonna sleep now, mayb i will post tomorrow? or not. =P
P.S. my blog may sound abit no link ah... pai seh...=P

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