Monday, June 22, 2009

If you only have 5 days to live, what will you do?

失去重心,向月球飞扬,闭上眼睛,Just let go......

My idol ask us this question before,
'If you only have 5 days to live, what will you guys do?'
Well, the first thing that come to our mind is,
Being happy everyday, living our life to the fullest....

Then she ask, 'what is the fullest?'
We were not able to answer, because we ourself do not know.
Is the fullest, doing the things that you always wanted to do?
Or doing things that you dare not do?

I always wanted to go Bunggie Jumping,
I always wanted to go diving,
Even if Obama invite me,I still dare nt go to Africa
Even if Jesus sent me, I still dare nt go to site vist, to talk to the AIDS patient ( i kiasi mah...)

But if i gt 5 days to live, Which one shld i choose,

I am still find the answer.....
Thanks to my idol, I think i have grown up alot.

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