How i wish was that simple...
How i wish there was no exam,
How i wish there was more holidays.
How i wish i could slack.
How i wish school can organise funfairs!
How i wish there could be more " how i wish..."
but really, in life there all kinds of wish that ppl are wishing for.
Including me of course. :D
Well, wish can only come true of you workhard and exchange for it,
OR pray to the Dad in heaven, and also have patience, and mayb it would come true,
because The Dad in heaven has alots of children, so he has to attend to them one by one...
I am still for mine to be answered...
Back to topic...
School was fun, haha..
i love the laughters we had in class...
it keeps all my problems away...
homework was fairly in enough..
still can managed though. :)
1 more week till the end of WC.
21 more days til Alicia's birthday.
a few weeks till Prelim2.
1 month till Unriddled.
and till then... :)
PS. i am not trying to be profound...haha
just typing what i feel... :D